The Features

Features of Sailing Performance Dashboard

Platforms: runs on 4 computer architectures: Windows, Linux AMD64, Linux aarch64, Linux armv7

Can receive NMEA183 records via serial, UDP or TCP.

Uses and combines information from 19 different types of NMEA183 records.

The screen (with 7 sub-windows) can fully be configured by the user.

Can operate completely headless, without a screen and keyboard.

When headless, many buttons (for settings) can be used via the webserver of SPD.

Uses a polarfile with as many wind angles and wind kts as the user wants.

Can generate a polar automatically from an ORC measurements certificate.

Uses a heel polar with the wind angles and wind kts as the user likes.

Uses a deviation table with a user defined distance between the different compass angles.

This deviation table can have separate rows for 9 heel angles for Starboard and Port..

Uses a correction table for log measured speed thru water; speeds again user defined.

This correction table can be with or without heel, different for Starboard and Port, 9 angles.

Filters for input and output (5 ) available that can be changed live.

Change over from SOG to STW as speed source with a button push (and back). Also used in TW calculation.

Calculates the impact of heel on apparent wind angle and apparent wind speed.

Upwash is calculated, as is leeway, and both are taken into account correcting AWA and AWS.

A filter for averaging a few AWA and AWS measurements is available. Nice in choppy conditions.

Height of wind sensor is taken into account when calculating true wind: your polar is for 10 m wind.

Calculates ground wind, as would be seen by a non moving observer.

Calculates theoretical leeway (ORC formula) and calculates actual leeway.

Calculates current and its influence on boat (speed and direction of impact).

Calculates SOG in the heading direction, subtracting the influence of the current.

Can then use this ‘clean’ SOG for calculating True Wind (angle and kts).

Determines the best Upwind and Downwind Angle for the given (interpolated) TWS.

Calculates boat performance for actual TWA and TWS against the polar, for 5 speeds:

- For water speed from the log

- For SOG including current

- For SOG without current impact

- For VMG to windward, upwind or downwind

- For VMG towards an active waypoint

Calculates time and distance to layline when going upwind.

Measures and displays average and maximum rudder angle over a measurement period.

Analyses in real time windshifts (velocity or real, header or lifter) and advices what to do.

Can (user configurable) give a lot of real time trim advice, based on actual measurements.

Advice is on screen, in UDP messages and comes also via the webserver. See it in a browser with your own html!

SPD analyses in real time tack and jibe performance and the distance lost.

Some short advice messages can be given via voice output. (‘pinching’ , ‘too deep’ a.o.).

All internal data can be sent, via the webserver, to other apps, like Signal K.

Can create user-defined NMEA-records and send these to your instruments.

This can be done using serial or UDP.

Will send 5 info-messages over UDP, user configurable.

Voice output is also possible for a range of variables (f.i. performance), with selected frequency.

All measurements and calculated values are logged in a CSV-file, every second, 60 variables.

A copy of all incoming NMEA can be written. AIS-records are skipped to save time and space.

A copy of all SPD-created NMEA records can also be written to file.

The webserver output is completely user configurable; from 0 to 79 variables.

There are 11 post processors for the logfile. A.o. creating deviation- and log correction files.

Many other useful processing of the log, including performance per bow, per twa, per tws.

Almost all settngs and outputs can be changed while SPD is running.

Last but not least: SPD is very stable and always keeps running:

- It is full of checks to safeguard against rogue NMEA records coming in

- It can, if you want, continue to run when NMEA stream is temporarily interrupted

- It has, by now, processed many hundreds of millions of NMEA records without ever crashing.